Sunday 9 November 2014

Focus group

In class we got put into groups of 3 or 4  to make a focus group to help us improve our ideas with other peoples opinions on your music magazine. I showed my focus group the mood board I made on Pinterest which included inspirations and some pop artists.
At the time of the focus group I had only just surveyed names therefore I thought I'd ask for there favourite and 3 out of 4 of the people in my focus group preferred the name 'Emerge'  therefore I have came to conclusion to use that name.
Front cover:
I have only got a brief  idea of what I want my front cover page to look like. I explained to my focus group that I want my front cover to have only want one singer/artist because I have researched other pop magazines and mostly all of them have one artist on the cover therefore they talk more in detail about that one singer. I want to take photos quite close up of the face than a head to toe photo.
Double page spread:
I haven't got a lot of ideas for the double page spread so I asked my focus group for opinions and ideas for what to put in a pop magazine which is targeted to teenagers not children. The ideas they gave me were:
  • interview with a singer.
  • issues in a singers life.
  • talk about a singer's achievements.
  • write about a award show e.g. Billboard Music Awards.
From the focus group I have more of an idea what will be on the double page spread I want a larger photograph of the singer, a large title with their name and a article. I don't want the article to be to long, I want it to be a bit more straight to the point and this will engage the reader to read the whole article than get bored half way through.

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