Conventions are in every piece of media and they are features that you expect on every media. They use conventions in order to sell the magazines to the target audience.
Here are some conventions you will find in a magazine:
Dateline:a line of the newspaper article showing the date and place where it was wrote.
- Model credit: is usually either on the front cover or contents page and it credits the model or photographer.
- Left Third: the left third of the front cover shows shop sales/offer at the moment and makes people want to buy from the shop.
- Masthead:The title of a newspaper or periodical as it appears across the first page, front cover, or title page of each issue.
- Cover lines: is a short paragraph found on the front cover telling you what you will find on the inside of the magazine. They use this to make the reader buy and read the magazine.
- Main Image: it's on the front page and is usually of a celebrity/model which entices the target audience.
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